PETS Biographies

Kevin Katarynick

PDG District 7430 2020-2021

(C) 610-960-9231
Rotary Club of King of Prussia

Kevin M. Katarynick joined the Rotary Club of King of Prussia in 2012. Since then, he’s served on the club membership committee, as well as working on fundraising and increasing social media and web presence. He was selected as a member of the club’s board of directors in 2014 and served as club president in 2015-2016.

At the District level, Kevin has held a wide array of roles. In addition to working with multiple District Conference planning committees, he served as Area 5 Assistant Governor and was elected as a Member-at-Large to the District 7450 Board of Directors. He was actively involved with the District’s Strategic Planning and Bylaws Review committees, among others. Kevin became a Paul Harris Society member in 2020.

Kevin served as District Governor in 2020-21, and he currently serves as District Polio Plus Coordinator, Paul Harris Society Chair, Council on Resolutions / Legislation representative, and the 2023-24 District 7450 Learning Facilitator.

In addition, an interest in helping others grow as Rotary leaders led Kevin to his role as General Chair of MAPETS.

Kevin is a 1996 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a degree in Administration of Justice and has been employed with the Upper Merion Township Police Department for more than two decades. Additionally, with more than 26 years of volunteer service, he is a life member of the King of Prussia Volunteer Fire Company (KPVFC) and has served in numerous leadership roles there.

Born and raised in King of Prussia, Kevin currently resides there with his wife Linda (Ret. SFC, USANG), and their American Bully rescue, Aunt Shirley.

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